Mission Statement

Our Mission is to provided quality fitness apparel products for all of our clients while using the latest technoloy-enchanced fabricsThe company's visor is to create an eco-friendly based, athletic clothing line that allows clients to achieve their fitness goals in comfort of body and mind that their apparel has been made responsibly. Our Designer and CEO, Cleonice Portilho-Breed has made it her life's mission to aid all of her customers in areas such was energy and water conservation, while minimizing the carbon foot print. This very Pay IT FORWARD mentality is very much in keeping with her own personal beliefs which have been a priority.

When creating and designing all of her different lines of clothing and accessories. She maintains a constant and vigilant eye on everything from Health, environmental, comfort, versatility and performance stability. The company's motto is based a symbiotic relationship between our dedication to the environment and our IFEETU customer while promoting a healthier and environmentally conscious life style. Infusing these beliefs into every design that is created is a must. This goes hand in hand with her vision and purpose. These beliefs have made it possible for us to encourage and support our customers in creating a partnerships that benefits all parties involved. PROTECTING our Planet is a huge responsibility that empowers everyone involved. With much knowledge comes great responsibility. Live and strive to empower those around you to achieve greatness. If, your wearing our clothing you can be certain that no matter what part of the world you are in you have a fellow IFEETU member who is doing the same..... 🌿